Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

4 Record(s) Found in our database

Search Results

1. Record Number: 13632
Title : Putting on the Girls: Mary's Girlhood and the Performance of Monarchical Authority in Philippe de Mézières's Dramatic Office for the "Presentation of the Virgin in the Temple" [The author finds a connection between the presentation of Mary's feminine virtues and French royal authority. The play, written by courtier Philippe de Mézières, called for a young girl of three or four to portray Mary. Udry draws parallels with conduct literature to argue that Mary's feminine qualities would have been a model not only for men and women but also for the king of France. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: European Medieval Drama , 8., ( 2004):  Pages 1 - 17.
Year of Publication: 2004.

2. Record Number: 13636
Author(s): Denis, Françoise.
Title : Primauté d'une politique territoriale dans certains marriages épiques. "Raoul de Cambrai": un cas exemplaire? [The author analyzes the marriages arranged for territorial gain by the king in the epic "Raoul de Cambrai." The king wants to bind the territories in northeast France, including Artois and Ponthieu, to him by installing loyal new men as the husbands of heiresses and widowed noble women. The text is critical of the king's all powerful, ruthless approach. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: L' Épopée romane au moyen âge et aux temps modernes: Actes du XIVe Congrès International de la Société Rencesvals pour l' étude des épopées romanes: Naples, 24-30 juillet 1997. 2 volumes.   Edited by Salvatore Luongo .   Fridericiana Editrice Universitaria, 2001. European Medieval Drama , 8., ( 2004):  Pages 213 - 227.
Year of Publication: 2001.

3. Record Number: 421
Author(s): Rowe, Elizabeth Ashman.
Title : Female Body Politic and the Miscarriage of Justice in "Athelston" [political critique of Richard II in which society is represented as a family].
Source: Studies in the Age of Chaucer , 17., ( 1995):  Pages 79 - 98.
Year of Publication: 1995.

4. Record Number: 1688
Author(s): Dulac, Liliane.
Title : L'autorité dans les traités en prose de Christine de Pizan : discours d'écrivain, parole de prince
Source: Une femme de Lettres au Moyen Age: Études autour de Christine de Pizan.   Edited by Liliane Dulac and Bernard Ribémont .   Paradigme, 1995. European Medieval Drama , 8., ( 2004):  Pages 15 - 24.
Year of Publication: 1995.